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News 30.07.2011

DSM Opens New Nutrition Innovation Center To Accelerate Customers’ Speed To Market

The new center houses a cutting edge laboratory and fully equipped pilot plant and sensory analysis facilities, which enable DSM to…

DSM, the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company, announced the opening of its state-of-the-art Nutrition Innovation Center in Parsippany, New Jersey. Designed to foster inspiration and creativity, the advanced regional applications laboratory houses an unprecedented array of capabilities under one roof. Decades of experience in nutritional and specialty ingredient solutions will be available on demand, helping manufacturers of food, beverage and dietary supplement products find a competitive advantage faster than ever before.

The new center houses a cutting edge laboratory and fully equipped pilot plant and sensory analysis facilities, which enable DSM to optimize production processes, improve product quality, test new ingredients, and analyze and evaluate a wide range of products.

Highly experienced specialists will work in close collaboration with DSM’s customers to offer applications expertise, product development assistance and scale-up bench top formulation. This will facilitate the creation of breakthrough application concepts and prototypes, bringing consumer-relevant nutritional solutions to market faster than ever before.

The center is the latest addition to DSM’s global community of six networked application laboratories. Housing more than 100 application specialists and technical marketing experts, these facilities provide customers with convenient, personalized support wherever they are in the world.

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