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News 14.12.2011

Juicy Vote In The European Parliament

Euro MPs voted at Strasbourg in favour of putting in place stricter rules on…

That is the question South East MEP Catherine Bearder demanded juice makers answered today.

Euro MPs voted at Strasbourg in favour of putting in place stricter rules on the composition of fruit juices and ensure companies stick to stricter labelling guidelines.

The aim is to improve the quality of drinks available across the European Union and will make sure you know exactly which juices contain extra sugar or sweeteners.

Catherine, who is diabetic, said the legislation was good example of all EU countries working together. She said: “For many consumers with health issues such as diabetes and allergies it is vitally important to clearly state what has been put in their drinks.

“I am delighted that in the future it will be prohibited to put extra sugar in drinks labelled as fruit juice. And it will no longer be possible to market a product on the basis of only a minor ingredient if the juice is actually made up of a completely different fruit. No more apples disguised as strawberries!”

The new rules will come into force after a transition period of 18 months and will apply to all juice products regardless of whether they are produced in the EU or imported from elsewhere.

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