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News 24.03.2016

Ground-Breaking Cold-Pressed Fruit Waters Promise A Healthy Hat Trick Of Goodness

Hailed as a first of its kind, Grounded’s new cold-pressed fruit waters bridge the…

Hailed as a first of its kind, Grounded’s new cold-pressed fruit waters bridge the gap be-tween refreshing water and sugar-loaded juices.

They represent the next generation of cold-pressed drinks, featuring:

  • Ultra-low sugar count (average of 3.3 g per 100 ml; NB – typical fruit juice & smoothies are 9 g+ per 100 ml)
  • Ultra-low calorie count (average 14 per 100ml; NB – typical fruit juice & smoothies are 35+ kcal per 100 ml)
  • Only 100 % natural, raw ingredients; no preservatives, additives or flavourings
  • Cold-pressed & cold-pasteurised (HPP, no heat) aka ‘Raw’
  • 30-day shelf-life
  • 3 flavours, in 330 ml bottles:

                     – Cucumber & Mint
                     – Lemon & Ginger
                     – Lime & Lemon Grass

Started by Gabriel Bean, 22, a recent University of Manchester graduate, & ex-coconut water importer, the GROUNDED range was born out of a desire to create an honest, natu-ral and healthy quencher.

“It baffled me as to why it was so hard to find a refreshing drink that is 100 % natural, tastes great and has a humble sugar count. I call that “the healthy hat-trick.”

“Sugar is already established as a major problem in the food & drinks industry, so I believe the arrival of GROUNDED comes at an ideal time. Not only that, but consumers are in-creasingly aware of ingredients & claims, and they now demand more transparency.”

Aimed at the ‘premium health conscious’ audience, GROUNDED is an exciting new prop-osition for the ‘Gourmet on the go’ market.

Product Release date: 30th March 2016

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