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News 17.03.2017

Ardagh Group launches metal beverage sample store

Ardagh Group announced the launch of its new, metal beverage sample store. The quick and easy online platform was developed for brands as a cost effective way in which to see and touch Ardagh cans and ends prior to making a formal commitment.

Ardagh Group launches metal beverage sample store

Unique service offers brands access to the large scale product portfolio

Ardagh Group announced the launch of its new, metal beverage sample store. The quick and easy online platform was developed for brands as a cost effective way in which to see and touch Ardagh cans and ends prior to making a formal commitment. By clicking through the portfolio, visitors to the site will find product descriptions/benefits, technical specifications, sustainability credentials and ordering details for the featured products. Existing customers along with brands who are considering cans for the first time are encouraged to explore the full scope of their business objectives via this innovative tool.

Products include:

  • Beverage cans in a variety of available sizes
  • 50 cl format cans showcasing the extent of Ardagh’s value added product applications: Variable and Premium Print; Matte, Thermo and Fluorescent Impact, Embossed and Tactile Feel as well as cans with Interactive Packaging features. In addition, Ardagh’s Nitro Can and Wine Can.
  • Beverage can ends in varying colours and add-ons such as Coloured, Printed, Embossed and Incised Shells as well as Coloured, Punched, Lasered and Coded Tabs.
  • Aluminium bottles in different profiles and with Full HD print
  • Product and service brochures (both hard copy prints and direct downloads)

Access to the sample store is  free of charge and allows customers to order up to three samples per product offering.  Samples are typically delivered within ten working days following the placing of the order and shipped from Ardagh’s plant in Braunschweig, Germany.

Click on this link to gain immediate access to all the Ardagh Sample Store has to offer.

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