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News 28.06.2018

European soft drinks industry boosts progress throughout the European economy

A study released this week illustrates how the European soft drinks industry is rooted in the European economy and boosts progress throughout its value chain.

European soft drinks industry boosts progress throughout the European economy
(Photo: UNESDA)

A study released this week illustrates how the European soft drinks industry is rooted in the European economy and boosts progress throughout its value chain. The sector generates € 185 billion revenue – equivalent to 1.24 % of EU GDP, indirectly supports 1.7 million jobs and delivers almost € 30 billion in tax contributions to EU member states.

The industry supports a local value-chain of suppliers, distributors and retailers with a revenue that is 2.5 times greater than that which it receives itself. It contributes revenue, jobs and investment from the agricultural sector where it sources ingredients including fruit, berries and sugar beet; to the packaging and raw materials industries; through to the transport and distribution sectors and finally to the supermarkets, shops, bars and restaurants across the continent where its products are sold.

The study was undertaken by leading drinks industry analysts Global Data to mark UNESDA’s 60th anniversary and is based on 2016 data.

You can access the full report here:

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