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News 10.07.2018

More flavour with less calibre, the success formula of Nunhems® to satisfy the melon and watermelon market

For another year, the watermelon and melon teams of Nunhems®’ have shown the benefits of working with a customer-centred approach.

More flavour with less calibre, the success formula of Nunhems® to satisfy the melon and watermelon market
(Photo: Mint)

Research into buying habits enables innovation with new options aimed at increasing consumer loyalty 

For another year, the watermelon and melon teams of Nunhems®’ have shown the benefits of working with a customer-centred approach. Since 27 June and until 4 July, the experimental station at La Palma, Cartagena, has been holding the fourth edition of the Melon & Watermelon Business Event for Experts, the best world showcase to display the enormous capacity for innovation Nunhems® applies, showing producers and distributors in the field a selection of new developments in which the main argument is flavour.

“We are privileged to have a lot of market information, we know each country’s consumer habits perfectly and we constantly listen to the demands of all the links in the food chain, so we did not put a foot wrong some years ago when we began a process of varietal improvement based on flavour. The market has proven us right and we are achieving our goal: consumers who try one of our varieties want to repeat the experience,” explains Juan Sastre, Crop Sales Manager for watermelon in Nunhems®.

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