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News 14.09.2018

Bösch Boden Spies launches sustainability initiative

Sustainability has long been an important aspect of corporate governance at the Hamburg-based ingredients specialist Bösch Boden Spies – for example in its selection of suppliers. Now the company intends to systematize and further expand its efforts.

Bösch Boden Spies launches sustainability initiative
Dorota Kollien, (32) Director Quality Management and Sustainability Officer at Bösch Boden Spies (Photo: © Bösch Boden Spies)

Sustainability has long been an important aspect of corporate governance at the Hamburg-based ingredients specialist Bösch Boden Spies – for example in its selection of suppliers. Now the company intends to systematize and further expand its efforts. To this end, the raw materials expert has launched an inhouse sustainability initiative. Its cornerstones are membership in the ZNU (Centre for Sustainable Management) of the University of Witten/Herdecke, and the appointment of Dorota Kollien (32), Director Quality Management, as Sustainability Officer.

The Hamburg company already obtained an initial overview of its status quo in matters of sustainability in April by performing the “ZNU Sustainability Check” at company level. It evaluates existing activities and highlights potential for improvement and possible courses of action. Based on these findings, all business processes across the entire value chain will now be reviewed in detail in the months ahead, and optimized and systematized with a view to a more sustainable business management. The aim is to identify areas with optimisation potential and to stimulate a continuous improvement process there, also in dialog with customers, suppliers and service providers. As a trading agency, Bösch Boden Spies wishes to take responsibility and contribute to a more sustainable handling of social, economic and ecological issues.

This initiative is being managed and driven forward by Sustainability Officer Dorota Kollien in close coordination with Managing Director Dirk Schmidt, who oversees this area within the company. Kollien, who heads the Quality Management department at Bösch Boden Spies, is currently undergoing training at ZNU to become certified as a sustainability manager.

Approximately 60 companies in the German food industry are members of the ZNU sustainability network. Bösch Boden Spies joined the network in May 2018.

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