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Market Data 16.05.2019

USDA: Florida citrus May forecast 2019

The 2018-2019 Florida all orange forecast released today by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 72.4 million boxes, down 5 percent from the April forecast.

USDA: Florida citrus May forecast 2019
(Photo: USDA)

All Oranges 72.4 Million Boxes

The 2018-2019 Florida all orange forecast released today by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 72.4 million boxes, down 5 percent from the April forecast. The total includes of 30.4 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, and Navel varieties) and 42.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges.

Non-Valencia Oranges 30.4 Million Boxes

The forecast of non-Valencia production is finalized at 30.4 million boxes. Harvest is complete for the included varieties. The Navel forecast, included in the non-Valencia portion of the forecast, is 750,000 boxes, 2 percent of the non-Valencia total.

Valencia Oranges 42.0 Million Boxes

The forecast of Valencia production is lowered to 42.0 million boxes, down 9 percent from the April forecast. Weekly certifications in April averaged 3.46 million boxes. The Row Count survey conducted April 29-30, 2019 showed 62 percent of the Valencia rows are harvested. Estimated utilization to May 1, including an allocation for other use, is 26.4 million boxes. Processors were surveyed regarding fruit processed through April 30th and the estimated quantity remaining to be processed to the end of the season. Analysis of the Row Count Survey, estimated utilization to the first of the month, and the results of the processors report support reducing the Valencia orange forecast.

Please download the full citrus crop production forecast:

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