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Market Data 11.11.2019

Citrus supply should grow in Brazil, but demand may underpin quotes

The availability of citrus fruits should increase in the in natura market of São Paulo State in November. Besides the harvesting of late oranges, the supply of tahiti lime should also grow until late November, after the rains in late October (despite the small amount).

Citrus supply should grow in Brazil, but demand may underpin quotes
(Photo: CEPEA)

The availability of citrus fruits should increase in the in natura market of São Paulo State in November. Besides the harvesting of late oranges, the supply of tahiti lime should also grow until late November, after the rains in late October (despite the small amount). The warmer weather in November, however, should boost the demand for these fruits, which may underpin quotes, at least in the first fortnight of the month.

As regards orange, the supply of late oranges should increase sharply – the harvesting of valencia oranges started in August (a month before the usual period) and for natal oranges, in mid-October. The wilted-leaf variety should also be available starting November, as it reaches the ideal maturation stage to be traded in the in natura market. According to growers consulted by Cepea, quality has been higher for these varieties than for pear oranges, which should favor sales in the in natura market.

Concerning mid-season varieties, the amount of high quality fruits is becoming lower and lower, due to the dry and hot weather in September and October (when many oranges wilt and crystallize). Thus, in October, pear orange prices averaged 22.99 BRL per 40.8-kilo box, on tree, 17.8 % up compared to that from September.

Citrus growers from SP have also reported losses of mature fruits, due to recent rains, which came along with strong winds in some areas. According to recent reports from citrus growers consulted by Cepea, the groves in regions near Catanduva and Jales may have been the most damaged by winds.

TAHITI LIME – The availability of tahiti lime in early November should be even lower, but it may gradually increase in irrigated groves. According to agents, rains in late October, although occasional, may have favored tahiti lime growth, which should be harvested from the second fortnight of November.

The volume, however, may be smaller than that previously estimated, since in October, high price levels for this variety led some growers to harvest the fruits at a small-size and out of the ideal maturation stage (these fruits would only be ready in November). In October, tahiti lime prices averaged 83.64 BRL per 27-kilo box, harvested, 33.3% up compared to that in September.

Higher supply should also favor tahiti lime exports, which have been low since July, due to the price rises for the variety in the Brazilian market and the low supply of fruits in the required standard for the international market. It is worth to mention that, despite the slower pace, the performance of Brazilian tahiti lime exports has been positive this year, with record volumes registered (until September).

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