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Flavours & Ingredients 14.06.2018

We’ll pay extra for more protein, say South American consumers

Nearly two thirds of shoppers in South America are willing to pay extra for a food or beverage product that is higher in protein, according to a survey commissioned by Arla Foods Ingredients.

We’ll pay extra for more protein, say South American consumers
(Photo: Arla Foods Ingredients)

Nearly two thirds of shoppers in South America are willing to pay extra for a food or beverage product that is higher in protein, according to a survey commissioned by Arla Foods Ingredients.

Researchers from Lindberg International asked 4,000 consumers in Argentina, Brazil and Colombia if they would spend more on buying a product if it contained more protein than a similar product. Across all three countries, 61 % of respondents said they would be willing do so.

Thirty-nine percent stated that they would pay up to 5 % more, 17 % said they would pay up to 10 % more, and 5 % admitted they would pay over 10 % more. Respondents in Colombia were most likely to be willing to pay more, with 73 % saying they would be happy to do so. The equivalent figure was 60 % in Brazil and 54 % in Argentina.

The research findings demonstrate the importance of protein in South American markets.

Results of the consumer survey also show that 80 % of respondents believed they understood what protein is and what it does for the body, with awareness highest in Colombia, where 87 % expressed this view.

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