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News 07.08.2012

Shaping The Future Together – Symrise Signs United Nations Global Compact

Symrise AG has joined the United Nations Global Compact, the largest…

Symrise AG has joined the United Nations Global Compact, the largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative in the world. In doing so, the company commits itself to the goals of the compact: uniting entrepreneurial activity with societal and environmental concerns.

The United Nations brought the initiative into being twelve years ago. By signing the compact all members, particularly companies and organizations, commit to ten universally accepted basic principles of sustainable and ethical economic activity, such as a ban on child labor, fighting corruption, or the promotion of environmental activities. Thus, the Global Compact sets standards for human rights, labor rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption measures. Since its creation, the compact has been signed by over 8,000 companies – including many of Symrise’s customers, investors and suppliers.

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