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News 31.10.2019

SGF International and the Arab Beverages Association sign a cooperation agreement

A cooperation agreement between Arab Beverages Association (ABA) and Sure-Global-Fair (SFG), represented by Mr. Al Harthi, Chairman of the Arab Beverages Association and Mrs. Alexandra Heinermann, General Manager of SGF International respectively, was signed…

SGF International and the Arab Beverages Association sign a cooperation agreement
Alexandra Heinermann, General Manager of SGF International and Al Harthi, Chairman of the Arab Beverages Association. (Photo: SGF)

The cooperation agreement aims for a long term cooperation in the area of safety, quality and authenticity of fruit juices

A cooperation agreement between Arab Beverages Association (ABA) and Sure-Global-Fair (SFG), represented by Mr. Al Harthi, Chairman of the Arab Beverages Association and Mrs. Alexandra Heinermann, General Manager of SGF International respectively, was signed between opening two sessions to finalize the proposed long-term partnership in the area of safety and quality assurance, as well as in protection of the positive image of fruit juices and related products.

The cooperation agreement was signed within the frame of the ninth edition of the Arab Beverages Conference (ABCE 2019) which began October 27th, 2019, in Dubai, UAE, under the theme ‘Challenging the Future!’ as senior industry experts from around the region meet to explore ways to move the sector forward in the years ahead. The Arab non-alcoholic beverage industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Middle East region and has witnessed rapid development in the past three decades to become extremely competitive with its counterpart industries in different parts of the world.

The co-operation will support the fair competition regarding fruit juices, nectars, fruit containing drinks and products, intended for use in the Arab countries´ domestic market (local productions and imports). It includes mutual supporting membership, the inclusion products intended for the Arab market in its International Raw Material Assurance (IRMA) audit and testing services, in order to assist the Arab beverage sector and supporting and consulting on international standards.

SGF and ABA look forward to a fruitful cooperation for the benefit of the fruit juice sector in the Middle East.

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