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Symrise expands Nigeria site and opens application labs

For the first time in its corporate history, Symrise is setting up its own application labs in Nigeria. The global fragrance and flavoring manufacturer based in Germany will open the new facilities in Lagos, the largest city in the West African country, on September 4, 2019. “This will strengthen our presence and underpin our growth goals in the region,” says Rudy McLean, managing director at Symrise South Africa…

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Smoothie King launches new Keto Champ Smoothies to help carb-conscious guests rule the day

The keto diet trend doesn’t appear to be slowing down – in fact, it’s projected to grow even more over the next five years. Smoothie King – the world’s leading smoothie brand inspiring guests to live a healthy and active lifestyle – is the first smoothie chain to answer the need of carb-conscious guests who are seeking a keto-friendly blend with the launch of new Keto Champ smoothies.

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