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A year of transformation: Eckes-Granini looks back on a solid financial year 2021 and continues to drive growth ambitions forward
Tim Berger (Photo: Eckes-Granini Group)

The past business year was a year of contrasts for the Eckes-Granini Group GmbH a year full of contrasts. The second pandemic year pandemic year and customer conflicts in the food retail sector once again presented the company with challenges, while 2021 also marked the start of the largest transformation in the company’s history. Sales revenue decreased moderately from 873 million euros in fiscal 2020 to 856 million euros (- 1.9 %), while sales volumes also declined, falling by 38 million litres to 805 million litres (- 4.5 %). Germany and France were particularly affected by the decline in sales volumes. Here, differing views on price adjustments led in part to the discontinuation of supply relationships with partners in the food retail sector. As a result, Eckes-Granini posted EBIT of 57.2 million euros (previous year: 71.0 million euros). The decline of 13.8 million euros is attributable to the effects of the pandemic, customer conflicts in the food retail sector and significantly higher costs for raw and packaging materials compared to the previous year. Tim Berger, CEO of Eckes-Granini Group GmbH, looks back on the business year as follows: “Despite considerable challenges posed by Corona, lower sales volumes and massive cost inflation, we succeeded in gaining market share – especially in the Nordic and Baltic countries – and strengthening our position during the past business year. Overall, our sales grew in nine out of ten countries. We also performed well in our international business in European countries and outside Europe.”

Eckes-Granini remains market leader

While the market for fruit juices, nectars and fruit beverages (FJND) was still able to benefit from food stockpiling in 2020, it declined in both value (- 2.1 %) and volume (- 4.4 %) in the second pandemic year. In particular, there was less demand for ambient, non-refrigerated fruit drinks sold via retailers. Accordingly, the 2021 segment recorded a decline of 3.7 % in sales and 5.2 % in volume sales, thus performing somewhat weaker than the market as a whole. In this generally weaker market environment, Eckes-Granini recorded a 0.7 % decline in market share in terms of value (market share 12.2 %) and a 0.8 % decline in volume (market share 11.3 %). The good news is that brands continue to gain market share. The e-commerce segment also continues to grow strongly but is not included in these figures. Eckes-Granini was able to make significant gains here, growing by + 35 %.

Full focus on innovation, digitization, and sustainability

In the area of product innovations, the company got off to a flying start with the market launch of hohes C Super Shots in Germany and Joker Shots in France. The popular hohes C Super Shots are currently leading the two-digit growth of the shot category in Germany (+ 31.1 %). Since the past business year, the Eckes- Granini Group has also been investing heavily in new distribution channels and cooperative ventures, and growth and the acquisition of new customers in e-commerce are developing particularly promisingly.

The Eckes-Granini Group also scored points in sustainability in 2021. With the publication of the first Group-wide sustainability report and the implementation of numerous measures, Eckes-Granini took important steps toward a more sustainable orientation of its business activities last year. To reduce emissions in line with the latest climate science criteria and achieve its ambitious targets, Eckes-Granini has been working with the independent Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) since 2021.

Successfully heading for the future with a strong growth strategy

2021 marked the launch of the Eckes-Granini Group’s Strategy 2025 and thus the largest transformation in the company’s history. “The transformation in the FJND market will continue and requires new ways of thinking and working – also from us as ‘category thought leaders’,” says Tim Berger. “At the same time, our goals are clearly defined: In 2025, we want to generate one billion euros in net sales and achieve a market share of 15 % in Europe. We successfully laid the foundation for these ambitious goals in 2021 and are now building on them. In the past fiscal year, we succeeded in maintaining our market leadership position despite numer ous challenges and a difficult market environment, growing locally and driving for- ward key innovations. We have thus made a solid and motivated start to 2022.”

You can find further information and download the business report at:

About the Eckes-Granini Group
Eckes-Granini is the leading supplier of fruit juices and fruit beverages in Euro-pa. For the inde- pendent family-owned company headquartered in Nieder-Olm, Germany (Rhineland-Palatinate), the focus is on committed and competent employees, strong brands in the areas of juices, fruit beverages and smoothies, and a long-term strategic orientation with sustainable value creation. Today, Eckes-Granini operates mainly in Europe with its own national companies and strategic partners and generates annual sales of 856 million euros with a total of 1697 employees. The com- pany’s foundation is formed by the internationally renowned premium brands granini and Pago to- gether with strong national and regional brands for juices such as hohes C, Joker and God Morgon. Consumers in 80 countries worldwide and especially in Europe know and appreciate our fruit juices and the variety of fruit drinks.

Louis Dreyfus Company B.V. (LDC) reported strong consolidated financial results for the year ended December 31, 2021, successfully fulfilling its key role to keep essential agricultural supply chains moving safely, reliably and responsibly in a context of continued global challenges.

Net sales amounted to USD 49.6 billion, up 47.7 % compared to 2020, while Segment Operating Results rose 17.6 % year-on-year to USD 1,834 million, as the company once again leveraged its global footprint and market intelligence to mitigate risk, deliver for customers and capture profitable origination and sales opportunities. This performance drove EBITDA to USD 1,623 million, up 22.6 % compared to the same period in 2020.

“2021 was a very special year for LDC, in which we celebrated 170 years of history and opened a new chapter for the company, welcoming ADQ into our shareholder group as a strategic partner in the pursuit of our long-term plans and strategy,” said Margarita Louis-Dreyfus, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board. “It was also another challenging year for our teams and partners around the world, to whom I am deeply grateful for their exceptional commitment, which made business continuity and success possible even in a complex and rapidly changing context.”

With overall resilient demand for the main products commercialized by the Group in 2021, both its business segments contributed to LDC’s strong operating results, which reached USD 1,191 million for the Value Chain Segment (compared to USD 1,003 million in 2020) and USD 643 million for the Merchandizing Segment (up from USD 556 million in the previous year). All business platforms successfully navigated uncertain market conditions, securing profitable flows to meet demand, implementing successful hedging strategies and capitalizing on recovery from Covid-19 impacts in certain sectors, owing to easing sanitary measures.

“In another year marked by the ongoing pandemic, freight shortages and port congestions, as well as climate challenges, LDC once again navigated a complex environment to deliver for customers, while making important strides in our strategic and sustainability roadmaps,” said Michael Gelchie, LDC’s Chief Executive Officer. “Our clear vision and agile mindset have underpinned our success over 170 years, and continue to do so today as we pursue our growth ambitions, always with the safety and wellbeing of all those who work for and with us as a top priority.”

As part of its commitment to helping address increasingly urgent climate and other global sustainability challenges, LDC set up a dedicated Carbon Solutions Platform in 2021 to accelerate the Group’s decarbonization journey. This reflects the sectoral commitment, signed at the COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference, for accelerated action on deforestation and emissions, supporting the global drive toward a net zero economy.

“Our progress in 2021 further reinforced LDC’s leading position as a key industry participant for the future, while ensuring the future we shape is fair and sustainable, in line with our company purpose,” said Michael Gelchie. “Looking ahead, in light of new geopolitical tensions and macroeconomic shifts emerging in 2022, our role to provide essential products to the world’s population is more important than ever. It remains our priority to fulfill this role safely, reliably and responsibly, working hand in hand with our teams and business partners across the globe, to whom we are extremely grateful for their collaboration and steadfast support.”

Please download the full LDC’s digital 2021 annual report as pdf-file under:

Symrise AG outstandingly capitalized on the economic recovery in 2021 and successfully continued the profitable growth course. The Group once again significantly increased sales and earnings. Symrise grew Group sales in reporting currency by 8.7 % to € 3,826 million (2020: € 3,520 million). Without taking into account portfolio and currency effects, organic growth amounted to 9.6 %. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) at € 814 million were significantly above the prior-year figure of € 742 million. The Group maintained profitability at a high level with an EBITDA margin of 21.3 % (2020: 21.1 %). Against the backdrop of the positive development, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board of Symrise AG propose a dividend increase for the 12th year in succession. Shareholders are to participate in the success of the company with a dividend of € 1.02 for the fiscal year 2021.

Symrise achieves strong sales and earnings growth with high profitability in fiscal year 2021
Dr. Heinz Jürgen Bertram (Photo: Symrise)

“2021 was a successful year all round for Symrise. We made good use of the tailwind generated by the global economic recovery and we aligned our sails accordingly. As a consequence, we very successfully continued our course of profitable growth. Additionally, we were also able to realize trailblazing purchases and investments. This allowed us to strategically diversify our know-how and our portfolio, further increase our appeal to customers and differentiate our profile in the market. Since September, Symrise has also been a member of the DAX, Germany’s leading index. As a result, our share has continued to gain a higher profile and enhanced appeal, particularly on the international capital markets. Part of our capital market philosophy is for our shareholders to participate in the successful development of Symrise AG. The Executive Board and Supervisory Board therefore propose the twelfth dividend increase in succession in the amount of € 1.02 for the year 2021,” said Dr. Heinz Jürgen Bertram, CEO of Symrise AG. “For the current fiscal year, we confirm our long-term target to achieve an average increase in sales of between 5 and 7 % (CAGR) and to exceed market growth. Furthermore, we are once again targeting high profitability for 2022 with an EBITDA margin of around 21 %, in spite of the increasing raw materials costs and energy prices.”

Economic recovery drives demand and leads to strong sales growth

The impacts of the coronavirus pandemic significantly diminished in large parts of the world over the course of the year. The behavior of consumers normalized and demand surged. Symrise increased sales in reporting currency by 8.7 % to € 3,826 million (2020: € 3,520 million). Organic sales growth amounted to 9.6 %. Symrise not only exceeded the average growth of the relevant market but also the most recent sales forecast issued in November 2021 of around 9 %. Regarding the regions, Latin America once again recorded the strongest organic growth of 13.5 %, followed by Asia/Pacific with 10.3 %. The regions EAME and North America also delivered very good growth with 8.8 % and 8.5 % respectively.

Significant increase in EBITDA and net income

In fiscal year 2021, Symrise increased earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) to an outstanding € 814 million. The Company exceeded the prior-year level by 9.6 % (2020: € 742 million) in spite of the increased raw materials costs and costs of strategic growth initiatives amounting to € 174 million.

The group-wide EBITDA margin rose in the second year of the pandemic to 21.3 % and therefore exceeded the prior-year level (2020: 21.1 %).

Symrise increased net income by € 68 million to € 375 million (2020: € 307 million). Earnings per share rose to € 2.74 (2020: € 2.27). In view of this positive development, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board will propose to the annual general meeting on 3 May 2022 a dividend increase to € 1.02 per share for the fiscal year 2021 (2020: € 0.97).

Net debt with 2.4 in targeted margin range

As of 31 December 2021, net debt including pension and leasing liabilities decreased to € 1,964 million (2020: € 2,029 million). This corresponds to a ratio of net debt to EBITDA of 2.4.

The business free cash flow amounted to € 486 million (2020: € 564 million).In spite of the increase in earnings, it was defined above all by higher investments, an increase in inventories (strategic stockpiling in order to mitigate the risks due to delays in international supply chains) and a high level of trade receivables as a consequence of the strong growth in sales.

In a year-on-year comparison, the equity ratio rose from 39.8 % to 49.0 %. Symrise thus has a very solid foundation for continued sustainable growth of its business in the future.

Taste, Nutrition & Health segment

In April 2021, Symrise merged the former two segments Flavor and Nutrition into a new segment and renamed it Taste, Nutrition & Health to reflect the purposefully implemented portfolio expansion. It is intended to align the expanded activities even more closely with customer needs and hence make know-how, technologies and product knowledge a shared asset. Over the course of the year, Symrise strengthened the activities through the acquisition of the Canadian manufacturer Giraffe Foods and invested in a stake of the Swedish animal health company Swedencare. The core business no longer includes the food color application areas which have been sold to Oterra as well as the Drinkstar Velcorin activities. The distribution model with Lanxess was terminated effective 1 January 2022.

Taste, Nutrition & Health increased sales by 8.5 % to € 2,335 million (2020: € 2,151 million). Organic growth even amounted to 10.6 %. The change in behavior in out-of-home leisure activities and the increasing trend of on-the-go consumption resulted in a particular high demand for beverage applications. Furthermore, the segment benefited from very dynamic growth rates in the Pet Food segment.

Taste, Nutrition & Health increased EBITDA to € 531 million (2020: € 471 million). The EBITDA margin at 22.7 % was at an outstanding level and significantly exceeded the prior-year value (2020: 21.9 %).

Symrise confirms long-term growth and profitability targets

According to experts estimates, the global economy will slow down slightly in the current fiscal year after the strong recovery in 2021. Symrise is excellently positioned with its robust business model, the diversified application portfolio and its broadly based regional presence and customer base. The Company therefore confirms its long-term growth and profitability goals. Symrise continues to target above market growth and increase average annual sales by 5 to 7 % (CAGR). This objective also applies to the current financial year 2022, in spite of increasing raw material costs.

Symrise is committed to organic and inorganic growth, which includes the acquisition of the Dutch company Schaffelaarbos in January 2022 and the Chinese Wing Pet Food in February 2022. Furthermore, Symrise will maintain strict cost consciousness and continue the holistic sustainability management in all its divisions.

Profitability is projected to remain at a high level in 2022 with an EBITDA margin of around 21 %. Over the medium term until the end of fiscal year 2025, Symrise has a target of achieving an EBITDA margin in the corridor of 20 to 23 %.

2021 was another record year for food and drink industry transactions, with 1,116 registered on the Zenith Global mergers and acquisitions database, an average of 21 each week.

The total is 34 % more than in 2020 and 79 % higher than 5 years ago. The number has risen every year since a dip in 2013. Funding rounds for early stage businesses have become an increasingly important element.

Over 1,100 food and drink acquisitions in 2021

The most active sectors were ingredients on 97, packaging on 96, soft drinks on 56 and dairy on 54.

Over 1,100 food and drink acquisitions in 2021

The top 15 sectors saw some significant changes in 2021. Packaging, plant-based and vertical farming deals more than doubled, with plant-based rising 9 places to the top 5. Meat-free entered the top 10, outpacing meat.

Vertical farming, food delivery and CBD moved up to the top 15, while services, water drinks and beer dropped out.

The combination of plant-based (48), meat-free (41), cell-based (24), dairy-free (20), alcohol-free (10) and plant-based seafood (5) would make free-from by far the biggest category overall on 148, 13 % of the total. Water drinks (23) and water dispense (18), when taken together at 41, would come 8th.

5 categories had declared transaction values in excess of $10 billion. These were packaging, food delivery, ingredients, plant-based and dairy.

8 more categories exceeded $5 billion – fresh produce, nutrition, meat, soft drinks, snacks, equipment, water drinks and tea.

Meat-free surpassed USD2 billion, while vertical farming and cell-based both exceeded USD1 billion.

International, inspiring and above all personal – that was the 36th edition of Anuga which was staged from 09.-13.10.2021 in Cologne. With over 70,000 visitors from 169 countries and more than 4,600 exhibitors from 98 nations, the leading global trade fair for food and beverages once again demonstrated that trade fairs of these dimensions are possible again. “We are delighted with this result. It underlines the global significance of Anuga and the trust that is placed in us as a trade fair organisation. Furthermore, it also shows that Germany as a trade fair location continues to hold a leading and attractive position in terms of the global competition,” explained Gerald Böse, President and Chief Executive Officer of Koelnmesse. “Also the hybrid approach worked very well and proved very popular. In the scope of Anuga @home, we were able to offer above all those people, who were not able to travel to the trade fair, a good opportunity to inform themselves about specialised themes and engage in intensive networking,” Böse added.

Anuga also set a benchmark in terms of its level of internationality in these post- Corona times: 97 percent of the exhibitors came from abroad. At 76 percent, the degree of internationality of the visitors remained at a constant level (2019: 75 percent). “People from 169 nations – that is a strong signal and shows at the same time how much the international food industry needs trade fairs to do business again. Our exhibitors, who reported about outstanding customer dialogues and the high quality of the trade visitors, also recognised this fact. The discussions with the buyers also confirmed how highly they estimate the time for intense, personal dialogues with their customers. Anuga 2021 simply made the international world of food personal again. And this euphoria and spirit of optimism was noticeable all over the trade fair,” emphasised Oliver Frese, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH.

Top buyers on board

Above all the quality and preparation of the buyers as well as the serious interest in generating business again convinced the exhibitors. Countless buyers with high decision-making competence from the trade and food service, including the relevant top buyers of important chain stores attended the trade fair in Cologne. An initial evaluation of the visitor survey shows that over 70 percent of the respondents use Anuga to groom existing and build up new business relationships.

Hybrid in future

As a hybrid event, Anuga also offered a digital platform for the exhibitors, visitors and media representatives: Anuga @home. In addition to intensive networking, above all the digitally streamed event and congress programme comprising of a variety of lectures, discussions and presentations by renowned trade experts and companies of the food industry met with great interest. In total, 353 formats with more than 6,380 broadcasting minutes were streamed over the three days of the trade fair. Particularly the live streams of the two conferences, the Newtrition X and the New Food Conference, were very popular. The presentations and the networking offers of Anuga @home will also be available on-demand after the trade fair.

Anuga in figures:
4,643 companies from 98 countries took part in Anuga 2021 on exhibition space covering 244,400 m². These included 400 exhibitors from Germany and 4,243 exhibitors from abroad. The share of foreign exhibitors was 92 percent. More than 70,000 trade visitors from 169 countries attended Anuga 2021, the foreign share was 76 percent.

The next Anuga will take place from 07.-11.10.2023.

All Oranges 47.0 Million Boxes

The 2021-2022 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 47.0 million boxes, down 11 percent from last season’s final production. The total includes 19.0 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 28.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. The Navel orange forecast, at 450,000 boxes, accounts for 2 percent of the non-Valencia total.

The estimated number of bearing trees for all oranges is 49.4 million. Trees planted in 2018 and earlier are considered bearing for this season. Field work for the latest Commercial Citrus Inventory was completed in June 2021. Attrition rates were applied to the results to determine the number of bearing trees used to weigh and expand objective count data in the forecast model.

A 9-year regression was used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular bloom and the first late bloom. …

Please download the full citrus crop production forecast:

The 2020-2021 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is 52.8 million boxes. The total is comprised of 22.7 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, and Navel varieties), unchanged from the June forecast, and 30.1 million boxes of Valencia oranges, up slightly from the June forecast. The forecast of all Florida grapefruit production is unchanged at 4.10 million boxes. Of the total grapefruit forecast, 620,000 boxes are white, and 3.48 million boxes are the red varieties. The Florida all tangerine and tangelo forecast remains at 890,000 boxes

Please download the full citrus crop production forecast:

All Oranges 52.7 Million Boxes

The 2020-2021 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is raised 1.0 million boxes to 52.7 million boxes. The total includes 22.7 million boxes of the non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 30.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges.

Please download the full citrus crop production forecast:

Delivers double-digit net sales and earnings growth
Raises full-year net sales guidance and reaffirms EPS guidance

Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. reported financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2021 and increased its outlook for 2021 net sales growth to 4 % to 6 %, from the Company’s prior net sales guidance of 3 % to 4 %. KDP also reaffirmed its guidance for full-year Adjusted diluted EPS growth of 13 % to 15 %.

Net sales in the first quarter of 2021 advanced approximately 11 % on both a GAAP and constant currency basis, with each of the Company’s business segments reporting strong growth. GAAP diluted earnings per share more than doubled to $ 0.23 and Adjusted1 diluted EPS grew to $ 0.33, a double-digit increase versus year-ago.

Commenting on the announcement, Chairman and CEO Bob Gamgort stated, “We delivered an exceptional first quarter, driving double-digit net sales and earnings growth, behind outstanding in-market execution. Looking forward, we see an improving, but volatile, macro environment marked by increasing consumer mobility and rising inflationary headwinds. We remain focused on delivering our business plan, with increased net sales growth expectations and growing confidence in achieving our Adjusted diluted EPS growth target of 13 % to 15 % for the year, and we plan to reinvest any earnings upside in the business to drive future growth.”

First Quarter Consolidated Results

Net sales for the first quarter of 2021 increased 11.1 % to $ 2.90 billion, compared to $ 2.61 billion in the year-ago period, driven by strong growth in each business segment, particularly Coffee Systems. On a constant currency basis, net sales advanced 10.8 %, reflecting higher volume/mix of 10.3 % and favourable net price realization of 0.5 %.

KDP in-market performance in the quarter remained strong, with retail dollar consumption2 advancing 9.4 % across the Company’s cold beverage retail base, with particular strength in CSDs3, premium unflavoured water, teas, juice drinks, apple juice, vegetable juice, mixers, and coconut water. This performance reflected the strength of Dr Pepper, Canada Dry, A&W, 7UP, and Sunkist CSDs, CORE hydration, Snapple teas and fruit drinks, Clamato vegetable juice, Motts apple juice, and Vita Coco. On a two-year stacked basis, consumption of KDP’s cold beverage portfolio increased 17 %.

Please read the complete report under:

1Employee compensation expense and employee protection costs are both included as the COVID-19 items affecting comparability in the reconciliation of our Adjusted Non-GAAP financial measures.
2In 2021, reflected pay for temporary employees, including the associated taxes, as well as incremental benefits provided to frontline workers such as extended sick leave, in order to maintain essential operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, primarily reflected temporary incremental frontline incentive pay and benefits, as well as pay for temporary employees, including the associated taxes. Impacts both cost of sales and SG&A expenses.
3Included costs associated with personal protective equipment, temperature scans, cleaning and other sanitisation services. Impacts both cost of sales and SG&A expenses.

Orange production for the 2020-2021 crop season totaled 268.63 million boxes1

The final 2020-2021 orange crop for the São Paulo and West-Southwest Minas Gerais citrus belt, published on April 12, 2021 by Fundecitrus – performed in cooperation with Markestrat, FEA-RP/USP and FCAV/Unesp2 – was 268.63 million boxes of 40.8 kg each (90 lb), which represents a decrease of 6.65 % in relation to the first crop forecast published in May 2020, accounting for a reduction of 19.13 million boxes. This crop had a decrease of 118.16 million boxes in comparison to the previous season, which is equivalent to a volume 30.55 % smaller than that of the 2019-2020 cycle, confirming a record crop loss for all the years in which the crop suffered the physiological effects of the negative biennial production cycle of orange trees since the beginning of the historical series in 1988. Total orange production included:

  • 47.00 million boxes of the Hamlin, Westin and Rubi early-season varieties;
  • 13.85 million boxes of the Valencia Americana, Seleta and Pineapple early-season varieties;
  • 81.45 million boxes of the Pera Rio mid-season variety;
  • 91.95 million boxes of the Valencia and Valencia Folha Murcha late-season varieties;
  • 34.38 million boxes of the Natal late-season variety.
  • Approximately 19.33 million boxes were produced in West Minas Gerais.

One of the reasons that explains this substantial crop loss is the fact that orange trees started flowering in the spring of 2019, when reserves were lower because they had been used in the previous crop season when there was a significant yield increase. Decreased reserves led to a significant reduction in the number of fruits per tree in this season, a phenomenon known as alternate bearing. The other reason is the strong negative influence of the climate throughout the season. …

Please download the complete forecast under:

1Hamlin, Westin, Rubi, Valencia Americana, Seleta, Pineapple, Pera Rio, Valencia, Valencia Folha Murcha and Natal.
2Department of math and science, FCAV/Unesp Jaboticabal Campus.

All Oranges 51.7 Million Boxes

The 2020-2021 Florida all orange forecast released by the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board is down 3.80 million boxes to 51.7 million boxes. If realized, this will be 23 percent less than last season’s revised final production. The forecast consists of 22.7 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, and Navel varieties) and 29.0 million boxes of Valencia oranges. A 9-year regression has been used for comparison purposes. All references to “average”, “minimum”, and “maximum” refer to the previous 10 seasons, excluding the 2017-2018 season, which was affected by Hurricane Irma. Average fruit per tree includes both regular and first late bloom.

Please download the full citrus crop production forecast:

The World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) has released the Southern Hemisphere apple and pear crop production forecast for the upcoming season. According to the forecast, which consolidates the data from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, and South Africa, apple production is estimated to increase by 6 % in 2021 compared to the previous year, while pear production is projected to stabilise.

The World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) has released its 2021 apple and pear crop estimate for the Southern Hemisphere. This report has been compiled with the support of ASOEX (Chile), CAFI (Argentina), ABPM (Brazil), Hortgro (South Africa), APAL (Australia) and New Zealand Apples and Pears, and therefore provides consolidated data from the six leading Southern Hemisphere countries. WAPA’s Secretary General Philippe Binard commented on the usefulness of gathering the insights from these major producers: “Elaborating this collective data has previously proved a valuable exercise for the global apple and pear industry and a reliable source of information when the season progressively shifts from the Northern to the Southern Hemisphere”.

Regarding apples, the aggregate Southern Hemisphere 2021 crop forecast suggests an increase of 6 % (5.090.000 T) compared to last year (4.818.000 T), with increases in Australia, Brazil, and South Africa of 23 %, 20 % and 6 % respectively, a decrease in New Zealand of 5 %, and stable figures in Argentina and Chile. The aggregate increased by 2 % compared to the average of crops between 2018 and 2020. Chile remains the largest Southern Hemisphere apple producer in 2021 with 1.512 million T, with Brazil in second place (1.130 million T), followed by South Africa (1.013 million T), Argentina (617 million T), New Zealand (547 million T), and Australia (271 million T). Gala remains the main variety (39 %), followed by Fuji (14 %) and Red Delicious (13 %). Export figures are estimated to stabilise at 1.691.562 T, with stable figures for Chile (650.773 T), a 4 % increase for South Africa (476.000 T), and a 7 % decrease for New Zealand (372.000 T).

World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) presents annual Southern Hemisphere production forecast
Southern Hemisphere 2021 apple production (Photo: WAPA)

Regarding pears, the Southern Hemisphere growers predict a stabilisation of the crop at 1.346.000 T and an increase of 2 % compared to the overall average of years 2018-2020. The increase in South Africa, Australia, and Argentina of 3 %, 2 %, and 1 % respectively are expected to compensate for the 3 % and the 10 % decrease in Chile and New Zealand. As in previous years, Packham’s Triumph and Williams BC/Bartlett are the major varieties, with 36 % and 28 % respectively. Forecasted export figures for pears are reported to increase by 6 % compared to the previous year and reach 708.690 T, with a 12 % increase for Argentina (373.996 T), a 2 % increase for South Africa (214.361 T), and a 3 % decrease for Chile (108.315 T).

World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) presents annual Southern Hemisphere production forecast
Southern Hemisphere 2021 pear production (Photo: 2021)
World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA) presents annual Southern Hemisphere production forecast
Southern Hemisphere 2021 pear exports (Photo: WAPA)

The now, next, and future of the global food and drink industry

The events of 2020 caused a fundamental reset in human behaviour. Recognising this transformation, Mintel’s 2021 Global Food and Drink Trends are inspired by recent shifts in consumer purchases and attitudes across industries. Through collaboration with consumer analysts and insights from Mintel Trends, a global team of food and drink experts have identified new opportunities in line with three of the Mintel Trend Drivers: Wellbeing, Value, and Identity.

In 2021 and beyond, expect food and drink companies to create mental and emotional wellbeing solutions, deliver on new value needs, and use brands to celebrate people’s identities.

Feed The Mind

Innovative food and drink formulations will offer solutions for mental and emotional wellbeing that will create a new foundation for healthy eating.

Quality Redefined

Brands will be challenged to respond to new definitions of trust, quality, and ‘essential’.

United By Food

Food and drink brands can balance a person’s need to feel unique and special with the desire to be part of communities of like-minded individuals.

Please download the free 2021 Global Food and Drink Trends here.

Mintel, the experts in what consumers want and why, has announced seven trends set to impact global consumer markets in 2021, including analysis, insights, and recommendations centered around consumer behavior, market shifts, innovative brands, and opportunities for companies and brands to act on in the next 12 months:

  • Health Undefined: An awareness of wellbeing is at the forefront of consumers’ minds, but a playbook doesn’t exist. Brands have a responsibility and opportunity to set new rules.
  • Collective Empowerment: Consumers around the world are making their voices heard loud and clear in the push for equity, agency, and rights.
  • Priority Shift: Consumers are seeking a return to the essentials, with a focus on flexible possessions and a reframing of what ownership actually means.
  • Coming Together: Consumers are coming together in like-minded communities in order to connect with and support each other, driven by the impact of the global pandemic.
  • Virtual Lives: Physical separation due to the pandemic, increased need for escapism, and improved technology are driving consumers towards digital experiences.
  • Sustainable Spaces: COVID-19 has subtly but significantly shifted consumer awareness of our relationship with the spaces in which we live, accelerating demand for sustainability.
  • Digital Dilemmas: While there are many benefits to a more digitally-connected life, concerns about its negative impacts are putting consumers in a predicament.

Please download the FREE 2021 Global Consumer Trends under

In Tune with Immune is one of Innova Market Insights’ Top Trends for 2021, reflecting how immunity and health has become top of mind for consumers, with ongoing anxieties over COVID-19 continuing to be a key focus for next year and beyond.

“Ongoing anxiety stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to push consumers toward prioritizing their immune health,” according to Lu Ann Williams, Global Insights Director at Innova Market Insights. “Immunity boosting ingredients will play a significant role for the coming year”, she reports, “while research and interest in the role of the microbiome and personalized nutrition as ways to strengthen immunity will accelerate”.

According to Innova’s Consumer Survey 2020, six out of ten global consumers are increasingly looking for food and beverage products that support their immune health, with one in three saying that concerns about immune health increased in 2020 over 2019.

Innova’s research also indicated that 54 % of global consumers claimed to have spent time educating themselves on ingredients and procedures that could boost their immune health in the wake of concerns over COVID-19. When asked which elements would be most important to achieve, immune health, choosing foods naturally high in nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants) featured in the top three. Also prominent was getting enough sleep and being physically healthy. There is an associated increase in interest in botanical ingredients in particular.

As might perhaps be expected in the light of this, the use of immune health positionings for food and drinks is also rising, with 1.65 % of global launches over the first ten months of 2020 using this type of claim, up from just 1 % five years previously.

Rising numbers of launches in a wide range of food and beverage categories are focusing on the use of terms such as immune health, immune boosting, immunity support, etc. These feature across a wide range of different types of product, led by baby & toddler products (particularly milks and formulas), ahead of sports nutrition (particularly sports powders) and dairy products (particularly drinking yogurt/fermented beverages).

The link is also increasingly being made between probiotics/prebiotics, digestive/ gut health and immune support. Consumer awareness of the benefits of probiotics is still gaining traction, with its relationship to gut health and a strong immune system increasingly being made.

Prebiotics have generally been slower to establish themselves in the consumer consciousness; although they have been around for many years, it is only relatively recently that they have started to move into the mainstream. Innova Market Insights reports a 20 % global growth for food and beverage launches with prebiotics in 2018 over 2017 and a further rise of over 13 % for 2019. Often used in combination with probiotics, prebiotics are featuring across a range of food and drinks launches, led by baby & toddler products, ahead of soft drinks and dairy products.

Updated orange1 crop forecast totals 269.36 million boxes

The 2020-2021 orange crop forecast update for the São Paulo and West-Southwest Minas Gerais citrus belt, published on December 10, 2020 by Fundecitrus – performed in cooperation with Markestrat, FEA-RP/USP and FCAV/Unesp2 –, is 269.36 million boxes of 40.8 kg each. The first forecast update, published in September, already showed a drop as compared to the initial projection, but the expected production was significantly hindered by late rainfall in the spring and intense heat. In this second forecast update, a decrease of 18.40 million boxes represents a drop of 6.39 % in relation to the initial forecast. Should this new projection hold true until harvest ends, it will result in the largest crop loss for the citrus belt since the beginning of the historical series in 1988-1989 and a downturn of 30.36 % in comparison to the previous crop season. Approximately 19.35 million boxes of the total crop should be produced in West Minas Gerais.

A poor outlook for rainfall was expected in 2020 due to the possibility of the climate event La Niña forming, which was officially confirmed in September. However, other phenomena, such as the so-called Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, simultaneously contributed to less rainfall and increased temperatures that reached unprecedented levels in several regions of the citrus belt. Consequently, the effects on groves resulting from adverse weather conditions this year were much worse as compared to those observed during the last La Niña, between November 2017 and April 2018. …

Please download the complete forecast under:

1Hamlin, Westin, Rubi, Valencia Americana, Seleta, Pineapple, Pera Rio, Valencia, Valencia Folha Murcha and Natal.
2Department of math and science, FCAV/Unesp Jaboticabal Campus.


The pandemic and associated travel and event restrictions have also had an impact on Anuga FoodTec, which was originally scheduled for March 2021. After extensive discussions with industry participants and the German Agricultural Society (DLG), the professional and conceptual sponsor of the trade fair, Koelnmesse sees no alternative but to postpone Anuga FoodTec. The next Anuga FoodTec will take place from 26 to 29 April 2022.

“We sincerely regret that we have to postpone Anuga FoodTec until 2022 despite good preparation and encouragement from the industry. In the past few weeks, however, it has become apparent that there is growing skepticism and concern among all involved. As a result, many companies have pulled out in view of the infection situation and current uncertainty. However, Anuga FoodTec cannot take place without the important key factors of internationality and cross-industry participation. With this in mind, we have responded to the industry’s wish to postpone the trade fair with the new date,” says Oliver Frese, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse. “The new event date is the best possible solution, taking into consideration the international trade fair calendar, and the available time and space capacities. This allows us to provide the industry with a vision and planning security”.

In 2022, the trade fair will take place as a hybrid event, combining both an inperson and digital platform. The addition of a digital platform to the physical component creates the foundation for as many people as possible from Germany and abroad to have access to the latest technologies and processes in the food and beverage industry and for promoting sustainable networking within the industry.

“Like the companies, we will use the time to fully prepare ourselves for the upcoming trade fair and boost the industry’s restart further with digital tools and additional reach. Koelnmesse will of course continue to count on the presence of international exhibitors and visitors in April 2022,” continued Frese. “Trade fairs offer the opportunity for products and the people behind them to be experienced through personal interaction and exchange. This is the ideal basis for successful business.”

“As the professional and conceptual sponsor of Anuga FoodTec, we very much regret that the leading international supplier fair for the food and beverage industry will not be able to take place in March 2021 as planned. As a platform for professionalexchange across industry boundaries, Anuga FoodTec is a central partner for the entire food sector, focusing on current topics and providing important impetus with the presentation of forward-looking technologies and innovations. We are therefore even more pleased that in spring 2022 Anuga FoodTec will once again be the meeting place for the international food technology and supplier industry under the guiding theme ‘Smart Solutions – Higher Flexibility'”, says Simone Schiller, Managing Director of the DLG Food Technology Center.

Koelnmesse is the organiser of Anuga FoodTec. DLG is the professional and conceptual sponsor of Anuga FoodTec.

Messe München will organize the International Motor Show (IAA) for the first time in September 2021. As a result, drinktec is changing its event calendar: the world’s leading trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry will be held three weeks later from October 4–8, 2021, at the Munich exhibition grounds.

Messe München newly acquired International Motor Show organized by the German Association of the Automotive Industry. This decision will mean that the world’s largest automotive trade show will be held every other year in Munich starting in September 2021. “During the final round of negotiations, the engineering association insisted that the motor show be held in September,” said Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Messe München. “We were forced to adjust our event calendar as a result.” “We are really happy that we were able to work out a new date for drinktec in close cooperation with the trade fair’s Advisory Board.”

Volker Kronseder, the head of the drinktec Advisory Board, said: “Of course, at first we were not thrilled about having to reschedule. We then got together in the advisory board, which represents a cross-section of all areas of the industry, and discussed various optional dates. We eventually found an alternative date that was supported by a broad consensus.”

Richard Clemens, Managing Director of the Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Association of the German Engineering Federation, said: “Following this intense and constructive discussion with all market experts, we were able to find a new date for drinktec that really underscores its importance as the world’s leading trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry.”

Preparations for drinktec 2021 are moving forward on schedule. Interested companies may continue to register online at

New date—important information for exhibitors

All companies that have already completed the online registration process (for exhibitors) for the old date (September 13–17, 2021) do not have to do anything.

The drinktec team will send individual stand proposals to them by the end of June 2020–along with a reminder about the new trade fair date. A registration for the new date (October 4–8, 2021) will become binding when a company accepts the stand proposals.