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The industry is being disrupted by significant trends with consumers, products, brands, and distribution. As niche players eat up more of the market share, established companies must evolve to stay competitive.

From the traditional powerhouses to new entrepreneurial start-ups, non-alcoholic beverage companies are operating in a whole new world as the industry is undergoing monumental shifts. For example, with an eye on health-conscious consumers, PepsiCo purchased the sparkling water company SodaStream in 2018, and after Coca-Cola moved into the tea market a decade ago with its organic, fair-trade Honest Tea subsidiary, the company is dipping its toe in the rapidly growing coffee segment by buying Costa Coffee in 2019. Meanwhile, new entrant Boxed Water is nudging plastic bottles off the shelves with its paper-based packaging.

With today’s consumers thirsty for healthy and eco-friendly options, massive changes are coming.

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