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SternLife offers a new range for ketogenic nutrition

In all discussions of a well-balanced diet and weight reduction, the buzzword has been “low-carb” for many years. But there are now other forms of nutrition, too, that advocate a diet with as little carbohydrate as possible. One example that is becoming more and more popular is ketogenic nutrition. This diet consists of 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein and only five percent carbohydrate. It brings about in changes in energy metabolism. Because of the reduced carbohydrates, there is no longer enough glucose available as a supply of energy. Consequently, the body forms more ketone bodies out of the fatty acids present, and these provide the energy necessary for the brain. During this ketogenic state – also known as ketosis – the body’s own fat deposits are broken down. That is why the keto diet helps with slimming.

In the USA, keto is already in third place among the nutritional trends. That is the conclusion drawn from the latest “What’s Trending in Nutrition” survey, in which some 2,000 dieticians were interviewed. Lifestyle products that support ketogenic nutrition therefore offer additional sales potential. For keto diets are becoming increasingly popular in the German market, too, and are being recommended by more and more dieticians. In this connection, MCT oils play an important role. According to scientific studies, these medium-chain fatty acids promote both weight loss and reduction of the body’s fat mass. In other words: MCT oils greatly help to ensure the success of a ketogenic diet. SternLife’s new keto products are also based on MCT derived from high-quality coconut oil.

Three attractive products are available that enable manufacturers of branded goods to make profitable use of the keto trend. Ketoproof Coffee and Ketoproof Matcha Latte, for example, promise a perfect start to the day. The dry beverage bases for blending with liquid contain 5g MCT and less than one gram of carbohydrate per portion, but they also contain a large proportion of dietary fibre. The caffeine derived from coffee or matcha powder gives the drinks their stimulating effect. They are therefore ideal for breakfast or for fighting that afternoon sleepiness. The new Keto Protein Shake with 9g MCT and less than one gram of sugar per portion completes the range. With its high percentage of valuable, quality protein and large amount of dietary fibre it provides a satisfying meal for fitness and figure conscious consumers. With the novel products from SternLife, suppliers of fitness and lifestyle products can extend their offer with a trendy range and benefit from the growing keto trend.

In today’s hyperconnected world, convenience is the ultimate currency

Rising internet penetration, denser urban locations, faster paced lifestyles and challenging working hours are adding more and more layers of complexity to consumers’ lives. According to the World Health Organization, “workplace stress is the health epidemic of the 21st century,” and multiple agencies have tracked the steady rise of anxiety related illnesses around the world. Consumers are feeling more stretched than ever before, and are increasingly striving for convenient solutions which help to simplify their busy lives.

Around the globe, consumers need and look for convenience in all forms—whether simplicity, time saving or suitability. When it comes to the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) space, convenience is not only about store formats, products or packaging. It means more than the latest technologies or new engagement strategies. Rather, it is about every encounter, interaction and action that can help fulfil consumers’ growing demand for efficiency.

The Nielsen Quest for Convenience report looks at changing consumer needs around the world, specifically focusing on factors driving consumers’ increasing need for convenience, to provide global FMCG players with key insights, indicators and solutions to successfully tap into the rapidly rising need for convenience.

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