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Product safety: VOG Products is an SGF-certified memberSponsored Post – “SGF” stands for Sure – Global – Fair. It is the fruit juice industry’s voluntary self-regulation system. As a certified member of SGF, the processing company VOG Products from Trentino-South Tyrol guarantees high quality and safety standards that apply to the entire supply chain.

Traceability to the source and comprehensive quality control along the entire production line are key prerequisites for creating safe, high-quality products. VOG Products, the modern and innovative fruit processing company in Laives, places great importance to safety and quality.

Product safety: VOG Products is an SGF-certified member
The fruit juice industry set up a voluntary self-regulation system for all the production and trade stages of its products. (Photo: VOG Products)

The company belongs to 4 producers’ organisations from South Tyrol and Trentino plus 18 cooperatives from South Tyrol with a total of around 10,000 members. Most of the members are families that care for their apple orchards with love and devotion. Dealing with land and its resources respectfully is firmly embedded in the region’s long agricultural tradition.

VOG Products consistently processes the fruit of the family-run orchards and prepares it further – through its SGF certification as well. The association that supports SGF is committed to food safety and quality.

The fruit juice industry set up a voluntary self-regulation system for all the production and trade stages of its products: In other words, the quality, safety, authenticity and sustainability of juices, fruit nectars, and other products made from fruit in the global market are controlled and action is taken against food fraud. SGF ensures fair competition and compliance with legal and industrial quality and safety standards.

Product safety: VOG Products is an SGF-certified member
Christoph Tappeiner (Photo: VOG Products)

“VOG Products is not only a member of the private, non-profit organisation SGF International e.V. We also participate in the voluntary self-regulation system that includes inspections of our company, half-finished goods and finished goods along the entire supply chain,” explained Christoph Tappeiner, the CEO of VOG Products.

“We request our suppliers to undergo our hygiene, traceability and documentation inspections as well. The suppliers accept the code of behaviour, which contains rules on environmental and social aspects such as the exclusion of child labour. At VOG Products, we are convinced that our participation in the industry’s voluntary self-regulation system generates added value for both our company and our customers,” said Tappeiner, who is also a member of the SGF executive committee.

The organisers of the Juice Summit announced the postponement of the Juice Summit 2020 organised for the 14 & 15 October 2020 in Antwerp, Belgium.

The Juice Summit will come back in 2021 for a special edition. Information will be given in due time, but you can already save the date 6&7 October 2021.

The cooperation agreement aims for a long term cooperation in the area of safety, quality and authenticity of fruit juices

A cooperation agreement between Arab Beverages Association (ABA) and Sure-Global-Fair (SFG), represented by Mr. Al Harthi, Chairman of the Arab Beverages Association and Mrs. Alexandra Heinermann, General Manager of SGF International respectively, was signed between opening two sessions to finalize the proposed long-term partnership in the area of safety and quality assurance, as well as in protection of the positive image of fruit juices and related products.

The cooperation agreement was signed within the frame of the ninth edition of the Arab Beverages Conference (ABCE 2019) which began October 27th, 2019, in Dubai, UAE, under the theme ‘Challenging the Future!’ as senior industry experts from around the region meet to explore ways to move the sector forward in the years ahead. The Arab non-alcoholic beverage industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Middle East region and has witnessed rapid development in the past three decades to become extremely competitive with its counterpart industries in different parts of the world.

The co-operation will support the fair competition regarding fruit juices, nectars, fruit containing drinks and products, intended for use in the Arab countries´ domestic market (local productions and imports). It includes mutual supporting membership, the inclusion products intended for the Arab market in its International Raw Material Assurance (IRMA) audit and testing services, in order to assist the Arab beverage sector and supporting and consulting on international standards.

SGF and ABA look forward to a fruitful cooperation for the benefit of the fruit juice sector in the Middle East.

The conference provides a genuine and dynamic forum for all industry players and their suppliers

Antwerp, Belgium – 1&2 October 2019 – Hilton Antwerp 4

Organised by AIJN, IFU and SGF, the Juice Summit is now a global, annual conference which guarantees the presence of renowned industry leaders and experts of the European and international juice industries. Over the years it has become a key conference delivering exceptional insights in important topical dossiers as well as providing a unique networking opportunity.

The Summit is a two-day conference with presentations and panel discussions covering a wide variety of topical issues which determine the business environment of today, as well as challenges for tomorrow. The speakers and panelists will also share their understanding and vision of the future for the fruit juice industry with participants. Key policy fields like CSR, health and nutrition as well as insights on global market developments will be on the programme. This year the organiser have the honor of having 3 prominent keynote speakers :

  • James Quincey, CEO & President of Coca Cola
  • Prof Jan Rotmans from Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
  • And Marius Robles, Co-Founder of FOOD BY ROBOTS

With over 550 participants from over 40 countries, the conference takes place in the most exclusive venues in Antwerp. All practical information and registration process can be found via the following link :